Tom’s Tales

I am going to start Tom’s Tales Writing about the things that got me here. I will have different sections of my life as I remember it now. Some sections will be short because my memory of them is not very long. For instance, I don’t remember a lot about some of my childhood.

My Youth

Most of the memories are from pictures (me naked on the bearskin rug) and other pictures my mother and father had. My tales began when I was born in Memphis, and we moved to Massachusetts at some point. My grandmother and her husband apparently took me to Maine on road trips. He collected rocks and minerals along the way. A little later we moved back to Memphis. Visit Here to find out more interesting things.

The U.S. Navy Tales

Tom's Tales at home

My Navy career started after a less-than-spectacular attempt at college life. It was during the Vietnam Conflict/War that I decided to join the U.S. Navy as my father had done in World War II. Boot camp was in San Diego, California, and seemed to last forever. After boot camp, I went through Electronics Training and added four more years to go to Advance Electronics Training.

There is more about that when you Visit Here

Work History

After my “career” in the Navy, I returned to Memphis to make a new life for my wife and family. A lot of other servicemen were being released at that time so there weren’t a lot of spectacular jobs waiting for me. I started with a small security alarm company in Memphis and that started my new career. I eventually ended up working for a company called Mosler (now defunct (it wasn’t my fault.) To see what my career was like after the Navy Visit HERE.

Tom’s Tales continues on other pages. I hope you find some entertainment in these pages of Tom’s Tales. Enter your name and email address on the right and stay informed of other Terrific Finds.