Education and Career Development

We have Education and Career Development information here. Most people acknowledge that the current method of teaching our youth is not performing. The Education standards in the United States have been declining for years! Discipline isn’t enforced in the classroom, and Teachers’ hands are “tied”. Teachers should be paid what they deserve.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has taught many of us that technology should be a part of getting our Youth back to basics. Using today’s technology (and some of tomorrow’s) we can teach any subject for grades K – 12 using the Internet. This is also a way to compensate teachers for presenting classes using this format. Zoom calls and other technologies may make existing classroom teaching obsolete (if it isn’t already.)


Brainfood Academy is the Best Home School Program: You can use it anywhere in the world where there is a reliable Internet connection. That makes Brainfood Academy a worldwide solution to provide the best education anywhere. A Group of Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists have come together to develop this forward-thinking solution. They developed a way of combining “Home Schooling” and “Virtual Schooling” to take education into the Future Today! Get the details about starting with this School Solution Here:

PBS Performance Blogging System: We again turn to today’s Technology to provide a solution for many of us. The COVID-19 pandemic shows many of us can perform our work from home, using the Internet and existing technology. Due to unforeseen circumstances, many found themselves out of work and looking for a way to support themselves or family. The Performance Blogging System can provide an income by teaching the process of creating a career in Online marketing. It can also teach how to obtain Financial and Time Freedom. As a result of this, Physical and Mental Health are likely to improve greatly. Go to the link: here:

Because Education and Career Development presents the solution., we hope you will let others know of this solution. Furthermore; Even if you are not a candidate for the learning solutions, some of your neighbors, family, and friends probably are. We need your help to let the World know this program exists.